Friday, May 25, 2007

John vs. John (expletives deleted-but, still not for chilluns)

Current mood: amused Category: News and Politics

For those who haven't yet heard, Senator John McCain (R. Az.) got into a little bit of a disagreement with Sen. John Cornyn (R. Tx.) last Thursday in a meeting where a bipartisan committee was trying desperately to complete the latest version of the Amnesty Bill. Oops, that's the Comprehensive Immigration Act Allowing Those Who Break Our Laws, But Are Otherwise Nice Folks, To Remain In Our Country To Be Our (Almost) Slave Laborers Bill. Right? At least, that's what it sounds like coming out of the President's mouth. But that's yet another rant.
So, what were these two Republicans arguing about? Well, as it seems (I'll have to go off of 3rd party information here, because I was not invited to this meeting, and niether were you. Apparently we don't know as much as Sen. McCamnesty, er, McCain about illegal immigration. Read on.) McCain was getting a bit annoyed by Sen. Cornyn's repeatedly voicing concerns about the number of judicial appeals that will be granted illegal immigrants (What? JUDICIAL APPEALS? They're illegal!! How can you appeal that?! "It wasn't me?"). He accused Cornyn of being against the bill from day one (true), and said that he was only trying to "torpedo" the bill (probably also true. Kudos to my favorite Senator, John Cornyn! Sorry, Kay). McCain then said that Cornyn's objections amounted to "chicken ____." As in "poultry excrement." Now, that's comedy! A guy who's selling us all down the river has the GALL to try and shout down a man who truly has the backing of his constituents (how're those numbers looking, McCain?). McCain is apparently living in a dream world where giving amnesty to illegals translates to Hispanic votes going to Republicans (namely, John McCain) in the '08 elections. Dream on, amigo...
Now time for the backstory breakdown. McCain has been quite a naughty boy when it comes to attendance at his JOB. He hasn't cast a vote in more than five weeks, because (you guessed it) he's been out stumping for the presidency. (When's the last time you didn't show up for work for 5 straight weeks because you were trying to get another job?) Granted, his aids have been attending the meetings for him, and he's been in contact with other Senators discussing strategies of how to get the bill passed. Here's the problem - McCain, believing to have ironed out most of the rough spots already (with Ted "Chappaquiddick" Kennedy, no less), made plans to be in New York later that evening for a fundraiser for his campaign. He and Sen. (*Hic!*) Kennedy had planned a press conference at 1:30 p.m. in which they were to announce a compromise on the bill. He arrived in time for the "meeting." Clock is ticking. Cornyn won't stop talking for the (legal) American people. Press conference is looming. Time to take on this irritating upstart...
"Chicken (excrement)!" Wow. That'll shut him up. Maybe not...
Cornyn then accused McCain of being too busy campaigning for president to take part in the negotiations, which have gone on for months behind closed doors. "Wait a second here," Cornyn said to McCain. "I've been sitting in here for all of these negotiations and you just parachute in here on the last day. You're out of line." (You go, boy!!)
"_____ you! I know more about this than anyone else in the room," shouted McCain at Cornyn. He's telling the truth. McCain helped craft a bill in 2006 that passed the Senate but couldn't be compromised with a House bill that was much tougher on illegal immigrants. McCain really does know more about screwing up this issue. Well, probably not more than Kennedy, but that's - what? - another rant.
So, after McCain's invitation for Sen. Cornyn to fornicate himself, other senators had to get between them to keep them from getting at each other. Yup, that's the rumor. I would've spent good money to have been in that room.
The bill? Well, as you probably know, the agreement was reached. Cornyn didn't sign on. Good for him. Nice to know someone in Washington has a conscience.
Oh, and the press conference went ahead as scheduled. McCain joined nine other senators, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff (glad to see he's busy watching the border), and Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez ('cause what's more COMMERCial than exploiting an entire race of people for votes?) for the big announcement.
After making a few comments, McCain left for New York. Let's hope he raised ALOT of money. When Billary, er, Mrs. Bill Clinton, beats him (assuming he gets the nomination from the Republicans) in '08, maybe he can use what's left over of that cash to help offset the tax burden about to be applied to us all by the Democratic Congress. When he left for his fundraiser in N.Y. he missed his 43rd straight vote, this on the $2.9 trillion budget outline.


Bro. Matt said...

I will NOT vote for John McCain. I would rather write in a candidate than vote for him. Of course, you can only imagine how I feel about Hillary and

Philip said...

Did you mean Barack Hussien Obama? That one? The one who's gonna be Billary's VeeP?
I can only imagine...